| (615) 209-9500

Stinson & Lee Insurance, LLC

Life Insurance

Protecting Your Loved Ones

How much life insurance do you need?

Your life insurance needs will depend on a number of factors, including the size of your family, the nature of your financial obligations, your career stage, and your goals. For example, when you're young, you may not have a great need for life insurance. However, as you take on more responsibilities and your family grows, your need for life insurance increases.

Questions when thinking about the amount of life insurance you need:

Types of Life Insurance Policies | (615) 209-9500

Life Insurance

Protecting Your Loved Ones

How much life insurance do you need?

Your life insurance needs will depend on a number of factors, including the size of your family, the nature of your financial obligations, your career stage, and your goals. For example, when you're young, you may not have a great need for life insurance. However, as you take on more responsibilities and your family grows, your need for life insurance increases.

Questions when thinking about the amount of life insurance you need:
  • What immediate financial expenses (e.g., debt repayment, funeral expenses) would your family face upon your death?
  • How much of your salary is devoted to current expenses and future needs?
  • How long would your dependents need support if you were to die tomorrow?
  • How much money would you want to leave for special situations upon your death, such as funding your children's education, gifts to charities, or an inheritance for your children?
  • What other assets or insurance policies do you have?

Types of Life Insurance Policies